
Capture village stronghold kingdoms
Capture village stronghold kingdoms

In King's Landing, all of those who stood accused were executed, with the sole exception of Ethan Glover. Lord Rickard Stark, who had been on his way south with the wedding party for Brandon's wedding, went to King's Landing with two hundred men.

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King Aerys II had them all arrested for plotting the murder of the crown prince, and summoned the fathers of all those who stood accused to court. Brandon rode for the Red Keep, and outside its gates, unaware that Rhaegar was not present, shouted for him to come out and die. Brandon rode at once to King's Landing with his companions: Ethan Glover, Brandon's squire, Elbert Arryn, nephew to Lord Jon Arryn and the heir of the Eyrie, Kyle Royce, and Jeffory Mallister. Her brother, Brandon Stark, was on his way to Riverrun to wed Catelyn Tully, when the news reached him. Abduction of Lyanna StarkĪt the coming of the new year, Lyanna Stark was abducted by Prince Rhaegar Targaryen near Harrenhal. Eddard Stark would later recall this moment as "the moment when all smiles died". Instead of crowning his wife, the Dornish princess Elia Martell, Rhaegar rode past her and crowned Lyanna Stark of Winterfell instead. After winning the final tilt, Prince Rhaegar Targaryen was to crown the new queen of love and beauty. However, the tourney's ending was less joyful. In addition, all of the Kingsguard had gathered to welcome their newest member, Ser Jaime Lannister. The tourney was cause for great celebration, as spring had come to Westeros, or so men thought. Aerys had not left the Red Keep for many years, ever since his half-year capture during the Defiance of Duskendale in 277 AC, but he was inspired to come to the tourney by words from his master of whisperers, the eunuch Varys. The most prominent visitor of the tourney was King Aerys II Targaryen, however.

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Amongst them were the heir to Winterfell, Brandon Stark, and his younger siblings, Eddard, Lyanna and Benjen. Many nobles from all over the Seven Kingdoms came to the riverlands to take part in the festivities. In 281 AC, a grand tourney was held by Lord Walter Whent at Harrenhal. It lasted "close to a year" and resulted in the end of the Targaryen dynasty in the Seven Kingdoms and the beginning of Robert Baratheon's reign. Robert's Rebellion, also known as the War of the Usurper, was a rebellion against House Targaryen, primarily instigated by Eddard Stark, Jon Arryn, and Robert Baratheon, for whom it is named.

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Rebels Vale/ House Arryn House Corbray (originally royalist) House Grafton (originally royalist) Stormlands/ House Baratheon House Cafferen (originally royalist) House Estermont House Fell (originally royalist) House Grandison (originally royalist) House Wylde Iron Islands/ House Greyjoy Westerlands/ House Lannister House Clegane House Crakehall House Lorch House Westerling North/ House Stark House Bolton House Cassel House Dustin House Glover House Karstark House Manderly House Mormont House Reed House Ryswell House Umber House Wull Riverlands/ House Tully House Frey House Mallister Iron Throne/ House Targaryen House Boggs House Brune House Connington House Crabb House Darry House Goodbrook House Lychester House Mooton House Ryger House Rykker House Thorne Dorne/ House Martell Reach/ House Tyrell House Chester House Grimm House Hewett House Hightower House Merryweather House Redwyne House Rowan House Serry House Tarly Victory for the rebels, the end of the Targaryen dynasty, and the start of the Baratheon dynasty

Capture village stronghold kingdoms